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Hi there,

I know I have been negligent in posting something since the Jamboree was almost two weeks ago. Please forgive me. I have been getting my thoughts together.

The weather treated us well, only a few showers but always after the festivities were over for the day.

We had a great bunch of people attending and I think all had a great time. The music was exceptional from the first strum of the guitar till the last. Some amazing musicians on out stage. We certainly thank all of them

Our Recipients and our families were there. It was great to meet Grandma's (some Great Grandma's), and Grandpa's, Aunties, Uncles and Cousins and friends. Many of them volunteered at the gate and the auction tent. Along with our recipients families, The Fenty's, Ryder and the Kerr's, Maci, 14 other past recipients families were represented. Not all could be here but some had sold raffle tickets and some had sent donations. It is always great to see the children:

Cody Payette - Neepawa,

Skylar Wozney - Minnedosa,

Porter Dunn - Brandon,

Griffin Bugg - Minnedosa,

Aleda Mitchell - Brandon,

Hailey Hopfner - Ste, Rose,

Bailey Phillips - Roseland,

Ashley Lesanko - Ste. Rose.

Shaun Walter's Mom was here from Russell, Keith Battershell's Mom and Sister from McCreary, Phoenix Lavallee's Grandparents from Alonsa, Bryce Christopherson's

Neepawa Grandparents, Garrett Hess's Grandfather from Ochre River.

I hope I have them all.

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